
Report: Protecting Education from Attack

A recent report from the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack entitled Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protect Education from Attack.

Protecting higher education from attack
'Attacks on higher education may occur in countries where there is not an ongoing armed conflict, but when 
national governments, opposition groups, or other non-state actors fail to respect the ‘neutrality’ of education. 
It is therefore worth considering responses to attacks on education beyond situations of armed conflict in countries 
in which education is repressed, polarized, or highly politicized. 
Attacks on academic staff can often 
occur for publishing research as well as undertaking teaching.  
The negative consequences of attacks on higher education affect not just universities, but also primary and 
secondary schools that depend on quality teachers trained at the tertiary level and on research that informs 
pedagogy and curriculum at all levels. Attacks on higher education institutions and personnel also cause a 
‘brain drain’ as threatened scholars flee or are killed, diminishing the quality of education overall. The situation 
for scholars in Iraq is an extreme example: over 460 Iraqi scholars have been assassinated from 2003 to 
December 2011. 
Many more have been kidnapped and their families targeted or threatened in great numbers,
leaving them with no option but to flee. 
Overall, those assisting higher education personnel indicate that they are assisting those that have fled from 
many countries in almost every region of the world. Scholars and academics who face persecution work in many 
different disciplines - sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities - meaning that attacks on higher 
education are not always just about silencing the political opposition, but also about controlling ideas and knowledge in society.' 
The report takes a look at attacks on education from the perspective of: protection, prevention, advocacy, and monitoring and reporting. The end of the report provides several relevant country profiles. The sections on conflict sensitive policy and curriculum reform are worth reading. Check out the report here.

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